Our newest Argioppe on the side of our house 9/20/2024

General Pest Control
General Pest Control
A lot of our services are customized to your individual needs, but for general pest control, our rates are as follows (unless your house is very large, in which case the cost could be slightly higher):
Monthly service: $40.00
Every other month service: $60.00
Quarterly, or one time service: $100.00
We do not charge a start-up fee, however, the first three months service would be due at the time of the first service. That is to say, you would owe, for monthly service, $120.00 up front, but then you'd be paid up for the next two services also.
Please note that general pest control service covers the following:
Cockroaches, Argentine ants, Black ants, Pharoah ants, Fire ants (in the house), spiders, pillbugs, paper wasps, centipedes, millipedes, earwigs, and silverfish. Fire ants in the yard are charged per fire mound, at $4.00 each.
This price does not address mice, rats, fleas, bedbugs. I do provide termite services, but this would also be a completely different service. (Please see section on Termites for more information). We do not do bedbug jobs.
Service for fleas: If you have a pet in the house, we recommend you have your pet treated before you have a flea spray done. Please note that once we spray, you or your pets cannot be inside the property for four hours. This is not because the treatment is dangerous to your or your pets. The only ones who should fear are the fleas. The reason for no one being in the property for four hours is to give the spray a chance to dry. Just like you wouldn't walk on your carpet right after you've had them cleaned, the residual spray has to have time to dry. Since this is not an Abracadabra Magic trick, not all the fleas will be gone at once. You will see less and less each day, but they should all be gone within a week, unless re-introduced. A flea spray normally costs between $80.00 and $100.00 based on the size of the house.
Our hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Mondays through Saturdays.
We service Southern Brunswick County, (not Leland, Belville, Southport), parts of Columbus County, NC, and North Myrtle Beach, SC
Termite Services
Termite Services
Beyond performing termite services for homeowners, I can also perform termite inspections for home sales (WDIR and CL100). See our Termites page and call for more information. 910-620-1539